A girl and her dog

Dear Mai,

Well, we've had Tito for over a year now and you guys are good buddies. When he first got here you could tell he was timid and careful around you. Now that he has become used to you and realized you aren't a fragile little thing he doesn't mind bowling you over every now and then. That is okay. It's a small price to pay for the amount he puts up with you.

He has to play dress up with you

He has to obey your every command and wait for his treats. (and your scraps. Kids drop a lot of food)

And pose for pictures with you

but mostly just hang out and play with you

He loves his family time

but sometimes just waits for you

All this makes for a tired boy. That's okay as long as he has his lamb-y with him

I'm glad Tito found his forever home with us. It's awesome seeing you grow up with him. Foster and Stella where perfect companions for Mommy and Daddy pre-baby life and Tito is a great fit for this phase. We love our dogs. It's funny, dogs weren't a part of my life until I met Mommy but now I can't imagine life without a large canine creature.

Love you sweet pea,
