With new teeth come new responsibilities

Four top teeth! Four of them! At the same time!

There have been some crabby days but for four new top teeth coming in at the same time! You have been a champ. Daddy probably would not have dealt with that situation as well as you have.

Not all four are through yet but they're getting there.

You know what that means! Time to cut down on the baby mush food and start self feeding "real" food. (at this point in my life I like to refer to it as "people" food. Give me a break. I've only known dogs up until this point and Stella isn't allowed to have "people" food.)

Your first try at self feeding with some peas wasn't a great success. Even so, there was some mild applause given. How about carrots?


You are pretty darn good at it already. It's so damn cute watching you grab those little bites. Cheerios are a fav and you've already joined us for taco night and pasta night. I'd say that you are well on your way from moving from baby food to "people" food.

When do you think you'll be up for some spicey food? This whole cooking non spicey versions of stuff is for the birds. :-)

Much love little one,
