The vocabulary of a 1 year old

Dear Maya,

You are almost 14 months old now and your vocabulary is building up. I’m not 100% convinced you know the meaning of all these words but I’m pretty sure this is what you are saying. Let’s see if we can translate.

As in, “Dada!” (he’s the coolest person I know) Or as in:
Mama: “Maya, say Mama.”
Maya: “Dada.”
Mama: “brat.”

As in, “MommmMaaaa” (It’s the easiest sound to make spit bubbles with)

As in “DAD! NOW!” The other day we had this exchange as we were about to go upstairs and get ready for nighty. You and Mama were waiting at the bottom of the stairs and I was in the kitchen.

Mama: “Do you want to take her up and get in her in PJs and I’ll bring her bottle up?”
Dada: (silence) (I was busy)
Mama: “Hello?”
Dada: (silence) (very busy)
Mama: “Or do you just want to ignore me and not take your daughter to bed. We’re waiting on you?!?!?!”
Maya: “DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Dada: (spits cola out of nose and bursts into laughter) “I’m coming, I’m coming! Sheesh!”

as in (whisper) “bebbe” You kind of stopped doing this and I hope we have a video somewhere but everytime you saw a picture of yourself or saw yourself in the mirror you whispered “bebee”

As in “Dog.” Stella is a dog. Cats are dogs. Camels are dogs. Just about every animal you see. “Dog.”

As in “Duck.” The only other animal you call out by name. I’m still not convinced you really know the difference between a dog and duck. Duck comes out of your mouth pretty randomly. I’m actually a little worried you might be cursing at me instead of naming innocent animals.

As in “I want THAT” or “I want to play with THAT!” or “what is THAT?” or “THAT! put me in my high chair so I can feed! THAT!” Its pretty much your go to word now when you want us to do your bidding.

As in “Awww, I like to cuddle my blanket, toy, mama or daddy.” In fact I saw you hug your shoe the other day and go “Awww” Those are some pretty cool shoes.

As in “Hiyee!!! pay attention to ME now! HIYEE!!”

As in “I am ok with one of us leaving the vicinity. Bye.” You just started doing this weird southern twang thing where it sounds like you are saying “Bah-bye, ba-bee!”

You guessed it. Defiant little brat.

As in “My dada is so cool he deserves to be called something more than just ‘dada’. I’ll call him DadDog.”

As in “Mmmmm! I’m eating just about anything and I like it. and I want more! THAT! THAT! THAT!”

As in “Uh-oh. I just dropped this 20 pound thing on the hardwood floor for the 12th time and now its your turn big person to pick it up and give it to me. Uh-oh...”

You actually call books “Books” and it seems like you know what “book” means but I think this word is fading in favor of some of your more obnoxious words.

you probably want down to get to “THAT!” or do some other obnoxious thing.

Do Do Do
Your latest addition is a song request. "Do Do Do" means that daddy should jump into that Police song from the 80s. We were at the store over the weekend and you and I sang this together as we cruised the aisles. It was pretty darn cute.

Here are some various clips of a few of those words in action I caught hanging with you over the weekend. (we were both still sicky)

note: if you can't play the video, try it on youtube here!

Much Love Mai, Much Love,
