Summer Time Rolls

Dear Mai,

I know its going to sounds SOOOOOO cliche, but...

I can't believe how big you are getting! It seems like our little baby is gone and the toddler years are suddenly upon us! I'm not ready for actual "parenting!!!!"

Your mother and I were just saying something that was a first for us here in Seattle. "It feels like summer has been really long."

That's it. We doomed ourselves. This winter is probably going to be beyond severe. We ruined it for everybody. Oh well, we should probably just concentrate on soaking up as much sun as we can and enjoy this awesome summer we've been having. In fact we have been...

Besides the travels we've been...

Eating a lot of grapes and blueberry snacks!

Checking out our new neighborhood parks and getting ready for OSU football season

Going up and down slides all by our little selves! You climbed up this entire slide backward already!

Learning some chores. Swifer girl, swifer!

Playing dress-up with Mommy's clothes

Really just becoming a fashionista right before our very eyes

We've had endless, tireless trips to Ikea

Fun trips to the wading pool in West Seattle

And picnics with friends at the West Seattle spray park

And despite our last mishap, we are still trying new healthy foods that are yum!

We're taking off bright and early tomorrow for our next adventure. We'll see how a opinionated, talkative, independent 17 month old handles a road trip! You better buck it up missy. Not liking road trips is grounds for dismissal in this family. :)

