Sometimes it snows, in Seattle

... but most of the time we have to drive to it. 

So Mai, this year our friends and family have just been getting pummeled with snow and cold all winter long. We briefly experienced it when we were back home for Christmas but luckily we missed the majority of it; at least the harshest parts. 

But with that said, what about playing in the snow? Mommy and my childhood memories are filled with cold winter, snowy stories. I remember "The Blizzard of 78." I was 5 years old and I have faint memories of being able to walk between our house on Greenwood and the Penner's house next door; but we were walking on snow packed so high we could almost touch and climb on the roofs of our houses! It was pretty crazy. Other than that my childhood snow memories are just recollections of other stupid things I did when I was young.  I don't want to get into details but If you ever hear someone wants to go "bumpering" just run the other direction. Not a good idea.

So a few weeks ago we planned a snow date in the mountains with some friends. Its definitely a world away from how I grew up but I like that we can go from 50s and partly sunny to snowy wonderland in under 90 minutes.

Your transformation into a little winter snow bunny slightly resembles a Randy Parker on A Christmas Story. You do make one cute little snow bunny though.

I always liked the snow growing up. It was fun to play in and a lot of times it meant getting out of school! Once I had to start driving in it, my relationship with snow faded. But even still it has always been pretty to look at. Up here in the mountains though, its gorgeous.
So our mission was to go sledding. The waivers said "not recommended for children under two but up to parents discretion." You're Mama and I figure you're pretty advanced so we went for it. To be honest Mommy and I were kind of scared to go down the hills on the tubes ourselves. It had been forever since we've done anything like this but we did it anyway. We all had a blast. We had to take a few trial runs ourselves to make sure we were comfortable taking  you down with us. At first you didn't want to but you saw everyone else doing it and went for it! The first time down was with me and we spun around and around all down the hill. I think there was a little bit of fear in you but when we were walking back up the hill you whispered "Daddy. Fun." to me. By the end you were yelling "WEEE!" all the way down. You probably liked being carted around in your little tube more than anything though.
Here you are getting used to the snow and your snow outfit.

Here's your mommy going down and brave Maya trying to go down with her!
But was goes down must come up... or something like that. I was terrified of this thing so I just walked the hill every time.
It was an awesome time Mai. But all that activity makes for one tired little girl.
You had so much fun the next day you insisted on wearing your boots while you watched cartoons and I made us breakfast.
The next weekend it snowed in Seattle! In the four years we've been here it seems like we get one snowfall a year. This year's was great. It fell on a weekend and we could just enjoy it.
As we were putting away your snow gear for the season you found the coat you wore last fall. Let the shenanigans begin.
It's been a good winter Mai and we're wishing that the worse is behind our family and friends in Ohio. Here's to a hopefully great spring and summer. We've got some adventuring to do!

