Dear Mai,
The intent of this blog has changed over time. Initially it was just to capture the moments. As new parents I knew we would barely remember the "wrecking ball" (No 2013 pop culture pun reference intended. okay maybe a little) of a change we were about to go through. There is this movie that was out in 1995 called Unstrung Heroes. I loved that movie. I might have loved that movie alone because Thomas Newman composed the score. His work is genius. Pay attention to the scores in movies. Many movies wouldn't be as powerful without them. Anywho... I distinctly remember the Daddy in that movie talking to his son about capturing moments on film and referring to it as documentation. I don't know what it was but it struck a cord with me. Out of all the reasons I write this blog (sharing with family and friends, practice on my writing, public content creation, having something for you when you grow up) the main reason I write this is for documentation. I'm selfish. I want mommy and I to relive these moments by just being able to read these posts. It is such an awesome time Mai, and I love being able to document these moments with you.
So that is why I'm trying to "catch-up" on some posts here. That and because Facebook turned 10 today and released this whole "my Facebook movie" thing. It reminded me that I have to catch up on some moments to put a good 10 year collage together. FYI, Facebook was this crazy company that put "social media" on the map. I realize your social world, both electronic and live person, is quite different and "Facebook" might not mean anything to you. Whatever. You'll read about it in History class.
At any rate... Christmas.
This was your first Christmas that you were more interactive. In fact I was constantly blown away by your comprehension at times. Mommy and I told you that we were going to go to Ohio for Christmas awhile back. Way before we left. Anytime someone mentioned Christmas you responded with "Hiyo!?" I remember your daycare teacher saying a few times "She talked a lot about Ohio and Christmas today."
You and I braved the cold, wet Seattle winter and hunted for the perfect tree. Okay, it was cold by Seattle's standards and we picked the tree out of a church parking lot and our total time outside was probably under 5 minutes. Not quite the picturesque, family out in the wilderness cutting down their own tree tradition but whatever. It worked and the tree was beautiful. As soon as we brought the tree in and put it up Mommy and I were telling you that we had to decorate the tree and put ornaments, lights and treasures on the tree. You like to say "heping" these days as you try to help out. You did help Daddy put up the lights.
When it was time to put up ornaments, the first thing you though of was "FANG!!!" and you searched for the Fang patch I bought for you a few days before. Yep folks; A Red Fang skull patch was our first Christmas tree decoration of 2013. And an 20 month year old hung it up on her own accord. We Rule!
So at this point in our life, Mommy and I aren't much into traditions. We kind of like to keep things fresh but ever since we started celebrating Christmas together our one tradition is that Daddy does the lights and Mommy does the ornaments. I usually get to hang one or two ornaments but Mommy is all over that. You got to help her too!
Putting up the Christmas tree this year was a moment I wanted to capture. I wanted to make sure we remembered hanging our "Fang!" ornament first. I wanted to remember the joy on your face as we put up the ornaments.
It was a good Christmas Mai and this was only the beginning...