Ms. Smarty Pants and the Birthday Game

Dear Mai,

During the week you and I don't get to hang out that much. I do manage to see you every night but it is usually for a little play time then I get to tuck you in. Mommy hasn't been feeling that well lately but she does almost everything for you during the week. She is probably the best mommy in the world. 

Tonight I get home and she starts asking you when peoples' birthdays are and you start rattling off the months. I was like "What?!?!?" You weren't doing any of this yesterday. She said that on the drive home from work/school you and her talked about it. By the time you got home you had it. 

I don't think I can justly provide how incredibly smart you are in this medium. I know, I know all parents say this but man, you seem to get things really quick. Heck, you've been speaking 5 word sentences since you were 20 months old (If not younger) and your vocabulary and comprehension is ridiculous. You can count up to 12 no problem (after 12 it usually goes 18, 19, 30 but hey, 1-12 are good) and even more than that I think you know what those numbers mean. When I was putting you to bed tonight you wanted to read books with your bunny so you grabbed your stuffed bunny from your bed. You then saw your other bunny on your bookshelf, picked that up and said: "There. Two bunnies."

Mommy was telling me the other day on the way home from work/school that you were counting the number of planes you saw in the sky. It is crazy Mai! (By the way, you are an expert plane spotter. You can spot a plane way, way off in the distance)

I know I just sound like a crazed over the top parent. I am. I am over the top. Your mommy and I love you so much and we are having so much fun with you and are just so amazed and impressed by you ever day. It's over the top man. Over. The. Top.

The weekends are Daddy time though. Here we are in the waiting room of the Childrens' Hospital waiting for our routine blood draw and lab work.

While we were waiting I told you the Doctor's name. When he walked into the room you said: "Hi Doctor Kletter." (okay, you actually missed the "l" and said Doctor Ketter but still, that is pretty impressive.)

On the way out you created some stone art on the Van Pool parking space. (and Dear Reader, I don't let our kid play in parking lots... it just kind of happened. You had to be there. and I didn't want to suppress Art!!!)

Later that day you and I went to the local Record shop and cafe to grab some lunch. You look so big here sitting next to me in the booth!

You know its your birthday coming up and when we mention that to you, you say two things. (1) "Purple Cake." It was blue cake for the longest time but now you seem to want purple cake. Purple seems to be your favorite color right now. When we're getting dressed in the morning 9 times out of 10 you say you want to wear something purple. "Purple Dress. Purple pants. Purple shirt. Purple outfits. Purple pony(tail)" We don't have enough purple to go around. 

And the second thing you say when we mention your birthday is "Grandma. Plane. Comming. Maya's Birthday." That's right Grandma is coming for a visit soon (around your birthday) and you can't wait. In fact most (If not all) the purple outfits you have are from Grandma. (Heck most of what you own in general is from Grandma.) Even though it has "only" been a few months since you've seen here, there is no doubt that she will be over the top impressed with you too.

I guess it just boils down to the old saying: "They grow up so fast." You are my dear. Every day you look so much more like a big girl and less like our little sweet baby. I guess its time for us to finally stop calling you our baby and say your just our kid. 

Scratch that. You'll always be our baby. 

Love you baby,
