Maya's first Cubby-hole

Dear Maya,

Your Mother and I are trying to learn how to do this whole "parenting" thing now. You are at the stage where we have to change our game plan up. Instead of just making sure your basic needs (food, diapers and belly laughs) are met we actually have to worry about "parenting" and how to help you be Cool like Fonzie.

<tangent>Ok I get that most young folks today might not know who Fonzie is now, let alone expect you to know who he is by the time you are reading this. We'll do our best to keep you abreast of important pop culture icons as you grow up and when the time is right we'll even have a Pulp Fiction screening together. But I get ahead of myself... It will all make sense later. Hopefully.</tangent>

Anywho, one of the things we are trying to learn together is "freedom." Do we keep you penned into a 4x4 square where you can't get into any (much) trouble? Or do we let you have certain freedoms and help you learn what is "ok" and what is off limits.

Well I don't have much wisdom yet but what we do have is grossly over the top cuteness. You've found a new favorite playing spot. Your first little cubby-hole.

I don't think Stellie is found of your new freedoms.

Sure you still like buming around with your own little toys. But no matter what the toy is, you always work yourself over to your beloved cubby.

What's even better than the cubby? Banging your toys with wild abandon in your cubby. Yeah. That's great. We all love that. Luckily Stellie is getting old and going deaf so she can sleep through your racket.

And don't worry, you still love the good ol' "Let's toss these books from this bookshelf" game. Now the trick is can we teach you it is ok to do that with your books in your room and not ok for Mommy and Daddy's books downstairs? We'll see. So far so good. (for the most part)

I'm gonig to be so sad when you are too little to fit in your first cubby; and I'm afraid that time will come in a matter of days or weeks. I know you'll find some other cool hangouts as you grow up but watching you discover your first one is pretty cool. Cool like Fonzie.

