Hot fun in the summer time

Dear Mai,

Ever since you and mommy have been back from Ohio it has been hot here in Seattle. In fact, as I type this at 11:30 PM I'm pretty sure its still 90 degrees outside. Mommy is funny; she is the one the heat is affecting most. She's our sun girl that has been acclimated to our Pacific Northwest weather. I'm not sure how she will live anywhere else. :)

But we've still been out enjoying ourselves. No heat is going to keep us down. 

You are pretty funny. Before you leave the house now you need and loudly proclaim three things: SUN SCREEN! HAT! SUNGLASSES!

We hit a local festival (Renton River Days) and we were hard pressed to drag you out of the lego tent. You were too chicken to go into the bouncy houses. That's probably okay, we had our community "Night Out" event here this last Thursday and that bouncy house collapsed with kids in it. No one injured but man, if you had been in there I fear you would have been scarred for life. You loved the junk drums display at the festival. You got a new tattoo from the local fire squad and got to play with the firehouse. I'm a little frightened about how much you loved the skate park there. All kinds of kids were on the ramps with boards, scooters and bikes. We watched for like 10 minutes and the entire walk away you were trying to imitate them as best as you could while still holding daddy's hand and saying "I want to do that!" under your breath.

Last Sunday we went down to the waterfront pier in West Seattle and caught a glimpse of the Blue Angels performing their final Sea Fair show for 2014. You had seen them practice earlier in the week at your daycare so you had been saying "want to see angels again!" 

Luckily, summer hasn't been hot all of the time. We had a few "Seattle" days. Of course one of those days was when we went to see Shakespeare at the Park right down the street from us. You we're kind of a clingy beast that day but were enthralled by the play. It was an hour long and you sat and watched the entire thing.
On those "Seattle" days we like to get Pho. Soup the whole family loves! :-)
Yesterday was Goose's birthday but I'll have to post about our trip to the coast to celebrate that.

It's crazy how grown up you are becoming Mai. We are having full on conversations with you now and you definitely have your own opinion. Mommy and I (mainly I) are struggling with this whole "parenting" thing. We've definitely changed modes. We were pretty good at the whole "keep the baby" alive thing but now we actually have to do this "parenting" thing. I swear I'm trying not to make you a spoiled rotten, privileged incapable brat... but... well... you know. You are pretty sneaky. When you realize Mommy or I are mad at you for something and you've pushed our buttons too far you've been responding with a sweet smile and a "Mommy? I'm sorry. I love you!"

Tonight when you were having a fit about something inconsequential I asked: "Maya, why are you being a brat!" Your response through a shower of tears: "I'm not a brat! I'm just a baby!" - Lord help us.

Its still early August. I won't complain about the heat anymore and we'll enjoy the rest of the summer. We still have so much to do! Concerts, Festivals, Water Parks, Road Trips, House Parties and baby sitting nights! Get some sleep kiddo, we've got some exploring to do!

