Happy Mother's Day!

Hi Mommy.

It's Daddy. I've been absent in the past few months on blogging about our punkin face. As you know, we've been busy. We've had visitors, birthdays and all kinds of things. All excuses aside, its time to catch up and start yet again. What better occasion than Mother's Day.

You predicted all along that I was going to be, as you say, "A mush ball" when it comes to having a daughter. You were correct times a million. In reality, how does that play out? It leaves Mama with the majority of the disciplinary tasks. I know that's not always fun but just know this... if it was just Maya and I, we would be mess. It would be chaos. Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria. 

The dynamic between you and our sweet pea is amazing to watch. I can tell we're going to be in for a long ride. :-) That girl has a lot of sass in her, barely over 2. I can't imagine the terror that awaits 4 then 5 then pre-teen... you get the picture. But she also has a lot of sweet to her too.

You mentioned that your mother's day gift was her being sweet all week long. Contrary to belief, I did not threaten or bribe the girl. I merely talked to her and said it was a special Mommy week and Mother's day was on the weekend. She lit up and was excited to give you plenty of hugs, kisses and treats. She loves her Mommy very much and wants to make you happy. Even if she can't help doing [insert things 2 year olds aren't supposed to be doing here] one more time even though you told her to stop ten times already. 

One day isn't enough to show you our appreciation. One week isn't. I hope we don't take you for granted too often throughout the year. If we do, Iet this serve as our reminder to show the best Mommy in the world all of our love and appreciation.



P.S. - Being the push over also means I'm the one that has to deal with a 2-year-old not really understanding knock-knock jokes but wants to do them nine hundred thousand times in a row. You have the patience of a gnat so at least I help out on this front. :-)