Growing up (too) fast

I know it is cliché to say but Maya, you seemed like you grew up so much in only the few days you were away! I guess looking through some of your recent pictures you can tell how much of a big girl you're starting to be. We're going to have to treasure these last precious moments of babyness. 

Mama still has a few days a week where she is home with you. I'm sure this is a blessing and a curse all in itself. Here you are hangin with Mama on one of those days.

I'm really worried we created a little monster by taking you all over the place. I swear if we're just hanging at home for too long you get all antsy and crabpants like. You want to be out doing something! Sometimes Mama likes (has) to take you places. We're learning some fun little toddler friendly spots here in Seattle. Like the Children's Musuem. The Aquarium is by far your favorite attraction there.

Sometimes you go to different play areas. This is at one of the local malls. Check Maya out making friends.

Other times a trip to the local toy store is enough. You're pretty found of kitchen sets these days... hmm... someone has a birthday coming up too. :) I think this was the first time you protested when we were ready to leave and you were still playing. That bodes well for our future. Sounds like good times Mai, good times.

And then some of the best times are just hanging over Aunt Becky, Uncle Shawn and Lorelei's place. Lorelei was being such a good role model picking up after your game of "DESTROY ALL BOOKSHELF THINGS!" It might look like you were helping here. You weren't. To quote Lorelei: "She's doing the opposite of helping."

All this growing and traveling makes for one tired baby! You slept for 13.5 hours straight yesterday! Silly jet lagged baby.

Speaking of sleep, Daddy needs to catch up on some Zzzs....

Love ya Mai, hasta mañana 
