Daddy's birthday was yesterday / today. Maya got Daddy a present and it was a great day.
It was touch and go in the beginning and Daddy was kind of a crab in the morning. Daddy has the night shift and his birthday started off a little contentious between Maya and Daddy. We did a little of this.
But the crises was over and Mommy let Daddy sleep in a bit. After a brief walk with the dogs in the morning we Skyped with both Grandma's back in Ohio! Maya was even awake and pleasant for both! She reconginized Grandma Diane's voice right away and pulled off a smile for Grandma Anita.
Feeling lucky we decided to venture out. We were successfully able to pull off our first restaurant visit and get birthday brunch for Daddy
When we got home, Mommy let Daddy take a 2 hour nap. Definitley the best Mommy in the world. Well rested, Daddy was able to pull off his first homeade meal in 2.5 weeks. Grilled Chicken on a bed of Polenta and spicy greens.
Thanks Mommy and Maya. Daddy had a great birthday and loves you more than you can imagine.
(even though it's 3:25 AM and Maya.. the night shift kinda sucks when you're a monster after the 12:30 food time) :-)
♥ Daddy