We did it

Dear Mai,

We did it. We voted in this crazy, circus of an election. (okay, we actually voted about a week ago) Today it all ends. (hopefully) I am proud of you for your involvement. You and I watched every single debate, while playing play-doh of course. You are excited to find out who wins and I can't wait to watch it with you. You are not to be silenced!

I went as Ken Bone for Halloween and we were at a restaurant over the weekend and a political commercial came on. "Daddy, I saw who you went as for Halloween on the TV!" I guess the costume was good. :)

At one point you saw something else on TV mention the election in passing and you screamed, "Are they doing it! Are they choosing now! I don't want to miss who wins!" At one point during the debates you even drew a picture of Hillary and The Donald.

Whoever wins tonight it will be okay. We're hoping for our candidate but remember in the future that despite all the campaign negativity, ugliness and unreasonable dichotomy in the United States, we're all more alike than different as people. We live in an incredible country. Love and honor country but visit other countries too. Visit, explore and learn. It's important to understand different views of the world. You'll love our United States even more. Be fierce. Be powerful. Be fabulous. Be intelligent. Be Maya.

Love you sweet pea,

Daddy & Mommy