Bus talk

Dear Mai,

We're starting to have more interesting conversations on our commute to your school. I'm not the best planner in the world and busses are all about timing. We have to catch a certain bus to get you there in time for breakfast. If we miss that then we have to do breakfast at home. Of course busses are notoriously late or early so that adds to the fun. It seems like just yesterday i wrangled together a breakfast of champions consisting of pirate booty and a chocolate bar. After a quick tooth brushing we ran to our stop. I looked at you and realized i didn't wipe your face. Is it bad that i thought you looked like Tyrone Biggums from the Chappelle show? Don't judge me, that show was comedy genius. 

I'm getting better and we're getting our routine down. We even have time for doing a live action role playing version of candyland on our walk most mornings. And the conversations. The conversations are giving me a glimpse of what is happening in that complex little mind of yours. The other day you asked what is that on the ceiling of the bus?

I said "that's an emergency exit." As soon as the words came out of my mouth i regretted saying that. The next 10 minutes were filled with your crazy questions dreaming up the worst situations why someone would need an emergency exit on a bus. I had to reassure you that our volcano was not going to erupt causing hot, molten lava to instantly come on our bus, causing a big fire, causing us to use the emergency exit, save everyone else then have to walk the rest of the way to school. Luckily you asked what the other thing was. I was able to divert the original conversation by telling you that was a camera and talk to you about big brother and our dwindling lack of privacy as a nation. I believe you then asked for your bus snack.

Stay inquisitive my silly little girl!

